Parent Volunteer Association

Hello, Selwyn House Parents!

As you can see from the information below, we have many different opportunities for parents to get involved in the wonderful world of volunteering at Selwyn! 

Our goal is to help create a strong parent body that feels connected to the school making it a better place every day.

Please don't hesitate to reach out to any of us for anything—questions, concerns, suggestions or anything!  We're all here for you and can't wait to meet you in person soon!


The Parent Volunteer Association helps the school by providing support to classroom and school activities. There are so many ways to get involved and the help is always very much appreciated.  It’s fun and a great way to meet other parents. Some of the areas where volunteers are required are listed here. If you are interested in helping out, please email the contact person listed below.  If you would like to know more about the Parent Volunteer Association at Selwyn, please contact the Co-Chairs of the PVA, Anne Garschagen, annegarschagen@gmail.com and Laura Osborne accesslaura@hotmail.com. 


Contact: Nathalie Gervais, gervaisn@selwyn.ca  

Volunteers are needed to welcome potential new families at various events organized by the Admissions Office. Admission volunteers also welcome new families and provide a “buddy system” for them for the upcoming year.


Contact: Joyce McCauley, mccauleyj@selwyn.ca

Volunteers are needed throughout the year to help with uniform fittings while the store is open:  Mondays/Tuesday 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and Wednesdays/Thursdays 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.  Volunteers can also help with inventory, receiving stock, tagging and restocking shelves.


Middle & Senior School Coordinator: 
Anne Garschagen, annegarschagen@gmail.com

Elementary School Coordinator:
Kevin Alladin, alladin.kevin@gmail.com 

These volunteers represent the parents of students in a particular class and provide a line of communication with the class teachers. Teachers have a variety of support requests and needs. Class parents may be asked to assist with the following activities: classroom decorating, facilitating class-related outings, carpool arrangements and parent get-togethers, assisting with school photos and vaccinations and involvement in special events.


Contact : Krystal DuBose, krystaldubose2016@gmail.com

Volunteers are needed to decorate the front entrance, main hallways and the Rossy Agora to mark the various seasons and/or holidays. Several display cases also need to be decorated with archival materials and posters before major school events.


Contact: Alisa Soukhodolskaia,  soukhodolskaiaa@selwyn.ca

Volunteers assist by shelving books, repairing books before professional re-binding, maintaining and creating displays and bulletin boards, entering data for cataloguing, and correcting database errors.
A plant caretaker is also needed to water plants once a week and to provide general maintenance such as re-potting.


Contact: Sharifa van Gelderen, sharifa.vangelderen@gmail.com 

This is great job for Kindergarten to Grade 1 parents who will enjoy seeing their sons at lunch! It’s also a great way to meet other parents in the school. Volunteers are needed to help serve lunch to Kindergarten to Grade 1 boys.


Contact:  Carla Bogdaneris, carla@bogdaneris.com and Amanda Jelowicki, amandajelowicki@hotmail.com 

The goal of Parent Connectivity is to try and connect parents with parents, and parents with the school.  Volunteering in this area helps foster a deep sense of community at Selwyn house, and help parents feel that they are a part of a big family.  From organizing walks, to morning coffees and dinner dates the hope is that parents forge bonds with each other, just as their children do in class.


Volunteers are needed to coordinate and offer support for a wide array of school activities and special events throughout the year. These events include:
Gryphon Sales: (September, January & May) Volunteers gather, sort and sell second-hand uniform items during the Gryphon Sale. All proceeds go towards the Scholarship Fund. Contact:  Lolita Ricci, ricci.lolita@gmail.com
Elementary School Play: (December) Working with new play director Ryan Kennedy, volunteers help to create sets and costumes, find props and apply makeup for the performances. Contact: Ryan Kennedy, kennedyr@selwyn.ca 
Staff Appreciation: Volunteers are needed to help make this activity extra special for teachers. New ideas for ways to appreciate the faculty and staff are always welcome. Parents are needed to bake or cook for the potluck lunch. Contact: Leila Roiter, leila.roiter21@gmail.com
Senior School Service Day: A day of community service amongst various Montreal organizations for Grade 11 students.  Contact: TBD
Art Aide: Working with our art teacher, volunteers are needed to post artwork, prepare materials and gloss or varnish items. Contact: Catherine Dupras, duprasc@selwyn.ca
Judging: Volunteers are needed to judge science fairs, debating and public speaking events.  When judges are required, a notice will be put in the weekly update.

Cultural Liaison: Danping Shi, Danping_shi@hotmail.com

PVA Events

List of 1 events.

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Executive Committee

Anne Garschagen
Middle & Senior School Class Parent Coordinator

Laura Osborne
Back to School Coffee

Kevin Alladin
Elementary School  Class Parent Coordinator

Carla Bogdaneris
Parent Connectivity

Krystal DuBose
Decorating and School Beautification
Amanda Jelowicki
Holiday Bazaar Coordinator 
Anne-Valerie Menard
Sustainability and Spirit day 

Kim Muchantef
Spirit Day

Lolita Ricci
Gryphon Sale

Leila Roiter
Staff Appreciation 

Danping Shi
Cultural Liaison

Paige Theng 
Selwyn On-Staff Coordinator

Sharifa van Gelderen
Lunch Duty Coordinator